our story
Our Story
Author and Founder, Jane Grech is passionate about the many positive opportunities and experiences dance studios can provide for students. Her formal qualifications in both Dance Education and Leadership, combined with decades of experience as a dance teacher and a dance studio owner have led to the creation of this unique program.
At the core of Jane’s philosophy is the dance studio as a ‘third place’ – a community that serves as an anchor for students where they can feel safe, nurtured and encouraged. Jane believes the dance studio is the ideal environment to empower students and grow leaders, the very core of the DanceStep program.
Initially developed within her own studio in Adelaide, Australia in 2010, Jane refined and formalised the program to share with Australian studios in 2017. Through various iterations and improvements, the program was then released globally in 2019 and now serves more than 300 studios and 3000 students worldwide.
Benefits to the Student
Promotes Service over Self and Encourages Responsibility
DanceStep students are encouraged to be of service, with many enjoying the opportunity to ‘give back’ and contribute to the studio community that has served and supported them. Students take their responsibilities seriously and teachers and parents are often surprised as to how well a child ‘rises up’ and cares for the younger students in their DanceStep class. Acting as role models to junior students, the role helps build on skills first introduced in dance class including good grooming, punctuality and a positive attitude.
Fosters relationships across age groups
By assisting as a Student Teacher within the same class each week, the DanceStep student develops strong relationships with younger students within their studio. DanceStep studios delight in watching friendships evolve across different age groups and these are especially on show at performance and competition times when students really seek out way to support and look out for each other.
Empowers Individuals and Increases Confidence
Past students of the DanceStep program have experienced increased levels of confidence and self-esteem, have learnt patience, empathy, communication skills and how to take initiative in different situations. These ‘soft skills’ (or employability skills) are sought after in the workforce. Parents of DanceStep students are grateful for the opportunity provided to learn and develop skills in the supported studio environment.
Develops leadership and communication skills
The inclusion of leadership and communication studies and self-awareness activities within the program seeks to encourage students to take responsibility for themselves and empowers them to take care of others as leaders and role models.
Benefits to the Studio
Increased retention of the Tween and Teen age group
DanceStep studios have found the program increases the retention of students aged 10-15 years. Run as a supplement program to traditional dance classes, participation in the program increases the engagement and commitment level of the students.
Stress free Performances and Recitals
Studios with students in Levels Three and Four of DanceStep run performances and recitals with ease. As a familiar and trust worthy leader, DanceStep students are valuable in supporting teachers and assisting junior students backstage, taking their role seriously, even while still performing themselves.
A vision for the future
DanceStep students provide a peak into the future to pre school dance moms. They see, by participating in the program at the dance studio, alongside great dance tuition, that their young child has the opportunity to become a conscientious, caring and committed leader also. Junior students look to their DanceStep leaders with awe and admiration, many simply can’t wait to be in their shoes.
Succession Planning
While DanceStep is NOT a teacher training program, it provides a valuable glimpse into the role of a dance teacher. Providing foundational skills and knowledge, the program can be further built upon should a student pursue a career in dance. DanceStep studios find students transition into teaching roles seamlessly as throughout the program they have developed a sound understanding of the values and culture of the dance studio.
How does Dance Step Work?
There are currently 6 levels (or Steps) and all students commence at Step One, regardless of their age, as each Step is a pre requisite for the next. The minimum age for enrolment is 10 years.
Students complete theory lessons through their online course and are required to assist in a practical lesson once per week with their studio to consolidate the theory learning. Once students complete the theory and practical components, they can be enrolled in Steps Two – Six.
Our How…
DanceStep is offered through Partner Studios.
This model was adopted so that,
Studios can enter a training partnership with DanceStep by purchasing a one time Studio Fee.
DanceStep studios can then enrol their students into the training program via a dedicated dance studio owner portal for a wholesale price.
Each DanceStep studio has the autonomy and flexibility to set their own course fees for students. Course fees vary for many reasons which can include the chosen delivery style of the content, the level of direct mentoring and the demographic of the studio.
Whether students are considering a career in dance teaching or otherwise, the DanceStep program is a great preparation for many aspects of life.